%0 Journal Article %T PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE RELATED TO LABOR PSYCHOLOGY %A Berna Karakale %A Ersin Kavi %J - %D 2018 %X Psychological resilience helps individuals deal with and struggle against difficulties. The ones with such power are able to gather strength faster and be back to their normal lives. Moreover, they can get the benefit from stress that they had gone through. Studies show that psychological resilience is a fact which can be acquired. On the other hand, it is found to be an innate characteristic for some people, which can however alter over time. It is realised that people can become psychologically stronger or can even lose this characteristic depended on their life experiences. Psychological resilience provides benefits to the person's private life as well as business life. While helping handle the difficulties easier in private life, it influences the success in business life providing advantages. A person who is psychologically strong manages the stress better in business life. In situation of conflicts and crisis he/she reacts calm and accurate. He/she does not let stress origins exhaust him/her and decrease the commitment to the organisation. Thanks to this, job dissatisfaction doesn't occur and the person stays strong against negative impact of work stress on job satisfaction %K Psikolojik dayan£¿kl£¿l£¿k %K Stres %K £¿al£¿£¿ma psikolojisi. %U http://dergipark.org.tr/hakisderg/issue/36564/391826