%0 Journal Article %T Ferry Assignment and Routing Optimization for Public Ferry Transportation: A Case Study for Istanbul £¿ehir Hatlar£¿ %A Eda Yucel %J - %D 2019 %X In this research, we study the trip-ferry assigment and ferry routing problem that arises in public ferry transportation services. The problem is motivated by the real problem that Istanbul £¿ehir Hatlar£¿ Inc. needs to solve periodically while assigning ferries to ferry lines having predetermined tarrifs. Tariffs differ according to the season and day of the week. The trip-ferry assignment should consider passenger demand of ferry lines, line-ferry restrictions, ferry passenger capacities, ferry capacities of piers and ferry-pier restrictions. Additionally, working regulations of ferry personnel restrict ferry working hours. The objective is to minimize total cost of fuel consumption and outsourcing. First, a mathematical model was developed. As the mathematical model is inadequate for solving realistic size problem instances, a tabu search-based heuristic method is proposed. The effectiveness of the heuristic is analayzed on realistic data instances %K Vapur-sefer atama ve rotalama %K D¨¹£¿¨¹m ve zaman k£¿s£¿tl£¿ kapasiteli ayr£¿t rotalama %K Deniz yolu toplu ta£¿£¿mac£¿l£¿£¿£¿ %K Tabu Arama %U http://dergipark.org.tr/deumffmd/issue/44128/448385