%0 Journal Article %T Investigation of the Five-Six Year Old Children's Essential Emotions Through Their Drawings %A Cemile Kara Eren %J - %D 2019 %X Drawing picture is an activity that simplifiyng and varying communication through the children and adults (Halmatov, 2015:7). Additionaly, it is a way of expression emotions and wievs. Children draw pictures when offering them opportunities, since then acquire the writing skills (Artut, 2004:24; Davido,2014:4). Emotions and apprehensions of the children reflect their drawings (Halmatov, 2015:8). Preschematic stage starts on four-six years. In this stage, children are developmented in recognised connections and classifications, understanding spatial terms (Davido, 2014:23 ; Halmatov, 2015:17; Malchiodi, 2013:121). Therefore, children at the age of five-seven, who could express themselves easiliy, is determined the study group of this study. This study is aimed to examine the forms of expressing basic emotional states (happiness, sadness, fear) of children between the age of five and six through their drawings. This research is planned in phenomenological design in the qualitative model. The phenomenon at the focal point of the phenomenology could be an emotion (Patton, 2014: 105). According to this, the phenomena of this study are ¡°happiness¡±, ¡°sadness¡± and ¡°fear¡± basic emotional statuses. The study group has 66 children, aged between five and six years, 30 girls and 36 boys who continue to a kindergarten in the city of Ke£¿i£¿ren in Ankara in Turkey in 2016-2017 academic year. In this study, three defferent story books reflecting the feelings of happiness, sadness and fear are used. Opinions of three child development and education experts were constulted when determining the story books. Three experts investigated the books acording to their content and eligibility determination for the children. The story books were determined according to at least two expert¡¯s co-decision. The books are for hapiness emotion ¡°¡¯Farmer Mole's Red Tractor £¿ift£¿i K£¿stebek¡¯in K£¿rm£¿z£¿ Trakt£¿r¨¹)¡±, for sadness emotion ¡°What upset me? (Beni ¨¹zen Ne?)¡±, for fear emotion ¡°Fear of noise (G¨¹r¨¹lt¨¹ korkusu)¡±. Because of time limit, the ¡°huffiness¡± emotion coluldn¡¯t included this study in. Story books were read in two and six age groups at two weeks intervals. Before the children were asked to draw a picture of their emotional state, the story books on the emotional states were read. After the reading story book, some questions about the subject of books were asked to children. After talking about the emotion mentioning in the story book, drawing pictures were requested from the children.Before drawing, children were informated about research process, about that if they want to %K £¿ocuk resimleri %K duygu durumlar£¿ %K £¿izimler %U http://dergipark.org.tr/odusobiad/issue/44137/484638