%0 Journal Article %T Comparison of Dynamic Balance Based on Somatotype Properties in 11-12 Years Old Children %A Abdurrahman DEM£¿R %J - %D 2019 %X The aim of this study was to determine the somatotype properties and to compare the dynamic balance ability of somatotype properties. In addition, determined somatotype properties were intended to help in the selection of sports branches. 123 healthy sedentary boys (11,66 ¡À, 699 years, 143,3 ¡À 7.14 cm, 39,54 ¡À 9,96 kg) with normal motor skills were enrolled in this study. Participation in the study was based on volunteerism with the consent of the parents with informed consent forms as required by the Helsinki Declaration (1964). Descriptive survey model was used in the research. Heath-Carter Anthropometric Somatotype calculation technique was used to find somatotype properties. Dynamic balance was measured with the Tecno Body instrument using the distance (PL) values which were used by double, right and left feet. The somatotype averages of sedentary children were found to be endomorphic = 4,17, mesomorphic = 4,38, ectomorphic = 2,62. The dominant endomorph, mesomorph and ectormorph students were divided into groups and dynamic equilibrium comparisons were made with one-way Anova. A statistically significant difference was found in favor of the dominant mesomorph group in dynamic balance (p <,05), but it was found that there was no significant difference between dominant endomorph and ectomorph groups (p>,05). In conclusion, it was concluded that children with dominant musculoskeletal mesomorph characteristics might be better at motor skills. It is thought that examining the somatotype characteristics and dynamic balances of school age sedentary children will contribute to the literature %K Okul £¿ocuklar£¿ %K Somatotip %K Dinamik denge %U http://dergipark.org.tr/cbubesbd/issue/46150/539429