%0 Journal Article %T An Investigation of the Relation Between Personality, Job Performance, and Job Satisfaction via Profile Analysis %A Arkun TATAR %A H¨¹danur £¿zdemir %J - %D 2019 %X Objectives: In the present study, it was aimed to examine personality characteristics of the employees in terms of job performance and job satisfaction depending on the Five Factor Model of personality. For this purpose, the personality traits that predict job performance and satisfaction were determined. Methods: A total of 4975 people (2142 female and 2833 male) from 278 different occupational groups have participated in the study. It was observed that participants ranged in age from 19 to 85 years. Working years of participants ranged between 1 and 63 years. Job performance and job satisfaction evaluations were gathered separately; personality assessments were conducted through the long form of the Five Factor Personality Inventory. In addition, personality characteristics of groups, which were formed in terms of job performance and job satisfaction levels, were compared. Results: In the first place, in order to predict job performance and job satisfaction levels multiple linear regression analyses were performed. Results showed that several personality factors and sub-dimensions predict both job performance and job satisfaction significantly. Afterwards, personality profiles of the participants were compared in terms of their levels of job performance and job satisfaction with MANOVA. Originality: The high job performance and job satisfaction group differed in many personality dimensions from the low job performance and job satisfaction group. The results interpreted here in this study have been discussed in line with those of previous studies %K i£¿ performans£¿ %K i£¿ doyumu %K ki£¿ilik %K ki£¿ilik profilleri %K Be£¿ Fakt£¿r Ki£¿ilik Modeli %U http://dergipark.org.tr/idd/issue/42024/505520