%0 Journal Article %T Diagnosis and Treatment of Gestational Diabetes %A Do£¿. Dr. £¿zlem £¿EL£¿K %J - %D 2019 %X Abstract Gestational diabetes is glucose intolerance which was first time detected during pregnancy. Whether the risk in Turkish society in all pregnant women GM screening should be done in 24-28. weeks. For screening should be performed OGTT with 50 grams glucose. If 1. hour plasma glucose (PG) is over 180 additional diagnostic test is not needed. GDM was diagnosed and treatment should be started. After 50 g glucose OGTTscreening test 1.hour PG found 140-180 mg/dl these pregnans should be tested with 100g glucose OGTT 3 hours test for a definitive diagnosis of GDM. If 100 g glucose OGTTresuls 2s of 4 exceeded the cut-off point is a diagnosis of GDM. For alternative TEMD proposed directly with 75 g of glucose OGTT to high risk women or with physician preference. For patient with high blood sugar despite diet and exercise should be started medical treatment. £¿nsulin should be preferred in medical treatment %K Gestasyonel diyabet %K tan£¿ %K te-davi %K ins¨¹lin %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ktb/issue/47551/600081