%0 Journal Article %T Turkish Writing History Museum-Astana Kazakhstan %J - %D 2018 %X Establishment process of the museum was achieved by collection of epigraphs used by Turks in history and the process was started by preparation of scientific copy of Kultigin Epigraph in 2001 at Kazakhstan, Astana L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and completed in 2003, under leadership of Prof. Karcaubay Sartkocaoglu. Museum was designed as two sections. Section I ¨C Kultigin Atrium: This section includes visualizations of Gokturk Epigraps and a scientific copy of K¨¹ltigin Epigraph. In addition to that, oil painting portraits of leaders called ¡°El Tutka¡±, who leaded Kazakhs in history are presented in this Atrium. Another oil painting in this section portrays the war between Scythians and Persians. Section II: This section includes examples of all epigraphs used by Turks in history. Scythian epigraphs found in Isik Kurgan, which were dated B.C. 4th ¨C 5th centuries, are in this section. Turkish epigraphs, Uygur epigraph samples, Mongol epigraphs, Brahmin epigraph, epigraphs in Arabic alphabet and old Chinese epigraphs are presented here. One of the most important objects presented in the museum is head of Kutluk Khan Sculpture, which was found in Mongolia in 2002 and brought to Kazakhstan. Also there is an archeology section within the museum. Some pictures of the findings and model of Gokturk Khan¡¯s tomb is presented in this sub-section. In addition to these, art estampages of Yenisey Epigraphs and epigraphs on Turks, which were found in China are in this section. Oil paintings of Gokturk leaders (Kutluk Khan, Bilge Khan, Vizier Tonyukuk) and a sub-section including photographs and a portrait sculpture of Danish scientist, Turcologist and philologist Vilhelm Thomsen, who analyzed and decoded first Gokturk Epigraph can also be seen in the museum %K L. N. Gumilev %K Kazakistan %K Yaz£¿ Tarihi M¨¹zesi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/unimuseum/issue/38503/446786