%0 Journal Article %T A Study on Occupational Issues of Tourist Guides %A Hasan H¨¹seyin Soybal£¿ %A Yasin £¿lhan %J - %D 2018 %X Purpose and Importance: This project aims to determine the vocational issues of professional tourist guides and by doing so, aims to provide possible solutions to their problems. The tour guide is a vital profession for the countries that see tourism as an important income source for their economic development. For this reason determining of tourist guides¡¯ problems became more of an issue. Methodology: A survey is conducted to 24 professional tourist guides who work in all around of Turkey. The survey work is carried out by internet survey and a sample was chosen as a random sample technique and the questionnaires were applied to the guides. the results, after being analysed through relevant statistical methods (frequency and percentage analysis, arithmetic means, standar deviation), outcomes of the research are shown as tables and interpreted accordingly. Findings: According to results both of the ¡°Most of the travel agents force tour guides into selling focused¡± and ¡°Travel agents wants to hire tourist guides under minimal daily wage¡± questions are taken ¡°certainly agree¡± respond and it shows that guides are under pressure of not obeying to rules and not to work ethically. Limitations/implications: Turkey has 10474 registered tourist guide to the 13 chambers according to the latest data of June. 7022 of these guides work actively. Therefore, due to the cost and time constraints of accessing 10474 tour guides and 13 chambers, which constitute the population, online questionnaires were sent via the internet and questionnaires could be applied to coincidental guides %K Turist Rehberi %K Meslek %K Sorunlar %U http://dergipark.org.tr/tured/issue/38647/443615