%0 Journal Article %T BUDGET EFFECTS OF CONSUMPTION OF PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS IN TURKEY IN YEARS 2006-2011 %A Emrah B£¿LGENER %J - %D 2018 %X Objective: Proton Pump Inhibitors are safe and powerful drugs which used in PU, GERD, gastiritis and other digestive system acid secretion diseases. In this study, comparative analysis of PPI drugs and consumption of products by years in Turkey examined to make a pre-paharmacoecomic analysis. Material and Method: A analysis of by using the results of the comparative analysis published in recent years about PPI drugs and the consumption data of PPI drug, which were taken from Intercontinental Marketing Services ¨C Health (IMSHealth) within years 2006-2011. Result and Discussion: All sales of PPI drugs were increased highly in years 2006-2011 except omeprazole. The consumption of products shows that omeprazole, which had low cost than other drugs not preferred by physicians. In comparative analyzes it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference in efficiency of PPIs. There is a prescription migration to more expensive medicines for the consumption of PPIs, which have no significant difference in treatment. More cost-effective drugs need to be consumed for reimbursement budgets. For this reason, omeprazole consumption should be encouraged in necessary indications, or it is necessary to repay the cost of the other group of drugs from omeprazole¡¯s cost %K b¨¹t£¿e %K farmakoekonomi %K maliyet %K proton pompas£¿ inhibit£¿rleri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/jfpanu/issue/42664/514455