%0 Journal Article %T Writing Tasks in Textbooks Used in Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language: A Comparative Study on Yedi £¿klim and £¿stanbul %A Yunus Emre £¿EK£¿C£¿ %J - %D 2018 %X Writing is a complex act. To improve learner's writing skills, it is necessary to compare them with different writing tasks. Especially textbooks should be diversified in the context of writing tasks. The aim of this study is to determine the writing tasks in the textbooks used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. "Yedi £¿klim T¨¹rk£¿e Yunus Emre Enstit¨¹s¨¹ T¨¹rk£¿e £¿£¿retim Seti Ders Kitab£¿" (Yedi £¿klim) and "£¿stanbul Yabanc£¿lar £¿£¿in T¨¹rk£¿e Ders Kitab£¿" (£¿stanbul) are examined in the study. The two books were evaluated first, then compared. In this research in the survey model, the document review method was used. According to the results of the study: Resource based writing tasks are more intense in the Yedi £¿klim, and grammar based writing are more intense in £¿stanbul %K Yazma G£¿revi %K Ba£¿£¿ms£¿z Yazma %K Kaynak Tabanl£¿ Yazma %K Dilbilgisine Dayal£¿ Yazma %U http://dergipark.org.tr/http-dergipark-gov-tr-journal-1517-dashboard/issue/36422/367409