%0 Journal Article %T An Investigation of Digital Literacy Self-efficacy Skills of Pre-Service Teachers In Terms of Different Variables %A G¨¹l£¿in Karaku£¿ %A G¨¹rb¨¹z Ocak %J - %D 2019 %X The aim of this study is to examine the digital literacy self-efficacy skills of pre-service teachers in terms of gender, the department they study, the educational status of their parents, the type of school they graduate, and having computer or not. In this study, Digital Literacy Self-Efficacy Scale of Pre-service Teachers (£¿ADO£¿£¿) was used. Scale was developed by the Ocak and Karaku£¿ (2018). The scale¡¯s Cronbach-Alpha co-efficiency was 0.961. The sample of the study consists of 284 students studying at a university in the Aegean Region. The data of the study were obtained in the fall semester of 2018-2019 academic year. According to the results it is concluded that the pre-service teachers have high levels of digital literacy self-efficacy, gender is effective in one sub-dimension, pre-service teachers¡¯ parents¡¯ education status is not effective, the level of digital literacy self-efficacy of the computer teaching department is high and that the digital literacy self-efficacy levels of vocational high schools are low %K £¿£¿retmen adaylar£¿ %K dijital okuryazarl£¿k %K £¿z-yeterlik %U http://dergipark.org.tr/akusosbil/issue/43639/466549