%0 Journal Article %T The Main Doctrines of Ib¨¡£¿¨©yya in the Context of An Ib¨¡£¿¨© Scholar Ab¨± Ya¡®q¨±b al-Warjal¨¡n¨©¡¯s Work al-Dal¨©l wa¡¯l-burh¨¡n %A Feyza DO£¿RUYOL %A S¨¹leyman AKKU£¿ %J - %D 2019 %X Ib¨¡£¿¨©yya, which is regarded as the only living branch of the Kh¨¡rijism and the official sect of the Sultanate of Oman today, is still one of the sects have a large number of followers. In contrast to the widespread opinion as being a separated branch of Kh¨¡rijism, this sect does not adopt the major acts that represent the Kh¨¡rijite character and refuse to be referred to as Kh¨¡rijite. In this respect, Ib¨¡£¿¨©yya is a sect waiting to be discovered. This study, with the aim of recognizing Ib¨¡£¿¨©yya through their own sources and leading to new works, is based on one of the prominent names of the 6th century A.H., Ab¨± Ya¡®q¨±b Y¨±suf b. Ibr¨¡h¨©m al-Sadr¨¡t¨© al-Warjal¨¡n¨© (d. 570/1175) who has not been studied yet in Turkey, and his work al-Dal¨©l wa¡¯l-burh¨¡n li-Ahl al-¡®Uq¨±l. In this context, it is discussed that Warjal¨¡n¨©¡¯s theological opinions on theologic issues such as faith, great sin, wal¨¡ya-bar¨¡¡¯a, divine attributes, intercession, seeing God (ru¡¯yet Allah), wa¡®d-wa¡®¨©d, the creation of the Qur¡¯¨¡n and grave punishment, political opinions which included his statements about the four caliphs and the social views which he stated under the title of ¡°disasters of the Ummah¡±. In this way, it is tried to put forward the basic views of Ib¨¡£¿¨©yya and its agenda of the period by emphasizing his views %K £¿slam Mezhepleri Tarihi %K Haric£¿lik %K £¿baz£¿yye %K el-Vercelan£¿ %K ed-Del£¿l ve¡¯l-burhan li-ehli¡¯l-u£¿£¿l %U http://dergipark.org.tr/sakaifd/issue/45736/503092