%0 Journal Article %T Iron Overload due to Treatment in Childhood Cancers %A Beg¨¹l Ya£¿c£¿ K¨¹peli %J - %D 2018 %X Transfusion associated iron overload is an important complication of supportive treatment in children with cancer. The standart treatment of anemia induced by chemotherapy is erythrocyte transfusion. In patients with solid tumors who are treated with intensive chemotherapy regimens, patients with leukemia, and patients who underwent stem cell transplantation show more transfusion requirement resulting in significant iron overload. Ferritin level measurement is the easiest and cheapest method for evaluation of iron overload %K Kanser %K £¿ocuk %K Kemoterapi %K Demir %U http://dergipark.org.tr/aktd/issue/32181/362628