%0 Journal Article %T Digital Environments in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language %A Nur Hilal AYHAN %A Talat AYTAN %J - %D 2018 %X In the world that experiences the age of information and data, it is known that technology increasingly maintains its influence on practices of life. It has been observed that the use of technology has become widespread in teaching language, which is the most powerful communication tool. The data in this research, which has proven useful for uncovering digital media such as web portals, mobile applications and social media that are used in teaching of Turkish as a foreign language, have been acquired with the document analysis method. In the electronic space, ''Foreign Language'', ''Turkish Learning'' and ''Learn Turkish'' terms were searched as keywords through the search engines and the data obtained were first classified as web portal, mobile app and social media, after that the basic language skills, vocabulary teaching, pronunciation and similar knowledge according to the targeted learning content in teaching Turkish as a foreign language were presented. According to results of the research, it has been understood that there are more than 100 smart phone applications (iOS /Android), nearly 100 YouTube channels, 5 web portals that allow users to reach multiple contents, and more than 32 social media source that teach Turkish as a foreign language. The greater part of these applications and platforms have been created by volunteer, natural entities. The rest are registered by non-profit legal entities. A pretty insignificant number of these applications and media platforms are paid for the users %K Tš¹rk£¿enin Yabanc£¿ Dil Olarak £¿£¿retimi %K web portal£¿ %K sosyal mecra %K mobil uygulama %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ijobs/issue/41678/503375