%0 Journal Article %T TEACHERS' OPINIONS ON AN EXPERIMENT ACTIVITY WITH SIMPLE TOOLS RELATED TO THE ¡®LIQUID PRESSURE¡¯ SUBJECT %A G£¿khan SONTAY %A Orhan KARAMUSTAFAO£¿LU %J - %D 2018 %X The purpose of this study is to design an experimental activity carried out with simple tools related to the 'liquid pressure¡¯ subject in the 7th grade science course syllabus using inquiry-based learning approach, to enable the teachers to benefit from it, and to obtain their opinions about the activity. For this purpose, a class activity plan was developed based on the inquiry-based learning approach. An applicable experiment about liquid pressure was designed for this class activity. The relevant objectives for the topic were the ones related to the subject ''Force-Liquid Pressure'' in the unit of ''Force and Energy/Physical Phenomena'' within the 7th grade science class syllabus, published in 2013. A qualitative case study was used in the present study. Accordingly, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 12 science education teachers. After the analysis of the data, the results of the study showed that the given experiment activity can be offered to groups or individuals, and it can help students relate their knowledge regarding the liquid pressure to their daily life. Moreover, the results suggested that the activity can contribute to students¡¯ inquiry skills. Based on these results, some important suggestions were made %K S£¿v£¿ bas£¿nc£¿ %K Basit ara£¿ gere£¿ %K Deney etkinli£¿i %K Ara£¿t£¿rma-sorgulamaya dayal£¿ £¿£¿renme yakla£¿£¿m£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/etad/issue/37928/364637