%0 Journal Article %T Agility Performance in Sports %A Serhat £¿ZBAY %J - %D 2018 %X Agility is one of the most important determinants of sporting performance. Agility is the response given to the stimulus, requiring the participation of the whole body and the ability to react in a harmonious manner such as fast moving, balance protection and change of direction skills. Agility has a more complex structure than other sporting skills. There are many different views on the content, development, measurement and evaluation of this concept. It is emphasized that cognitive factors such as perception and decision making constitute the basis of the concept of agility in contemporary studies, while agility is formerly consisted of planned activities that includes skills such as change of direction and speed. Definitions and evaluations related to agility performance may include sport-specific differences. In addition, a number of different agility tests have been developed to measure agility, but there are some uncertain aspects of validity, duration, distance, and design of these tests. However, while everyone acknowledges the value of agility performance in sport performance, there is not enough information on its development. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to investigate all aspects of the concept of agility and to examine the changing approaches in contemporary studies. As a result, while the search for alternative training methods to improve agility performance continues, studying are being made to develop new test methods that include all components for measurement and evaluation %K £¿eviklik %K Y£¿n de£¿i£¿tirme %K £¿eviklik testleri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/usbd/issue/41314/463364