%0 Journal Article %T THE ROLE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS ON ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: A DISCOURSE FROM AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE %A Saeyd Rashed Hasan CHOWDURY %A Vahit G£¿KTA£¿ %J - %D 2019 %X The existence of superb earth cannot be surmised without considering socio-economic development along with emphasizing the environment. Sustainable development is when an accelerated development process is maintained through a balance between the above two concepts and preserving a safe world for future generations. Apart from the steps taken by the United Nations to implement the goals. On the other hand, Islam is a religion that has a whole or complete view of all kinds of needs of the people. Islam has a deep connection with the goals of sustainable development as well as an important role in implementing these goals and targets. From the Islamic point of view, it is said that all the things of the world have been created as a reward for human beings and Islam has approved natural resources without consuming if necessary. The subject of sustainable development is meaningful and expended in Islam and it is related to the spirituality worldly matters with different things of moralities. Presenting these arguments, it can be said that different rules and regulations of Islam is a congenital issue to preserve the environment and Islam includes courtier sides of sustainable development such as moral, social, and political complexities which can easily be separated from the characteristics of United Nations development model. Islam has shown the path of freedom to prevent environmental disasters before 1400 years ago. As Islam has emphasized environmental protection, it has also termed environmental degradation as a sin of Islam. Islam banned water and river pollution. Even the Prophet (Pbuh) has forbidden the flow of water in the stream which breaks the ablution. From these data, it is known that inadequate to disrupt the source of water and waste the environment; Islam has been banned and considered a threat to humanity. Besides protecting the environment, Islam emphasized in protecting resources as well as livelihood related to the environment. Since Islam supports sustainable development, then the steps to implement sustainable development are in keeping with the basic principles behind. The research tries to highlight that the visions and suggestions of Islam in different processes of sustainable development on water, sanitation and health have explained. The result of my study shows that adequate internal and external partnership, widespread awareness as well as spiritual development through Islamic practice will help to achieve SDGs, especially goals no.6, 9 and 13 as well. Again, necessary administrative and policy support is required to scale up %K S¨¹rd¨¹r¨¹lebilir Kalk£¿nma %K S¨¹rd¨¹r¨¹lebilir Kalk£¿nma Hedefleri %K £¿slam'da £¿evre %K Kur'an ve Hadis %K £¿evresel Hizmetlerin £¿slami £¿lkeleri %K S¨¹rd¨¹r¨¹lebilir Su %K Sanitasyon %K Altyap£¿ ve Sanayile£¿me %U http://dergipark.org.tr/asead/issue/45617/575432