%0 Journal Article %T Investigation of TAT and Rorschach Responses of Males Who are Facing with Male Factor Infertility %A Zihniye Okray %J - %D 2019 %X Narratives about infertility, diagnosis and treatment interferences are as old as human history. The review of infertility literature showed that the main object of infertility were women and as usual male infertility kept as an hidden subject. In literature male factor infertility studied in physiological aspects and psychological aspects of it somehow denied. The aim of this is to evaluate two cases with projective techniques (Rorschach Test and TAT-Thematic Apperception Test) in order to see their psychic organizations about infertility. The main findings of the study were the identifications, differences between sexes, and also transgenerational differences could not be clearly identified. The responses to these two projective techniques can be identified as more immature and infanlite althoug their are adults. In other words more infantile identification was made by cases. In both cases, the mother/woman was considered to be as an omnipotent being and on the other hand devalued at the same time which can be considered as ambivalance towards mother/woman. The wording and phrases that are used by these two cases containts too much hesitations and repeteaded words which can be evaluated as immaturity. Both of the cases do not form a relationship neither with the clinician nor the test material which can be evaluated as a defence mechanism upon both the outer and ther inner world. This study is considered to be an important contribution to the literature because it is the first study conducted -with the knowledge of author- upon male factor infertility %K Erkek K£¿s£¿rl£¿£¿£¿ %K Projektif Testler %K TAT %K Rorschach %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ybpd/issue/43519/539802