%0 Journal Article %T ¡°From Note to Symphony¡± Group Theraphy %A G¨¹l£¿en Nevin AKTA£¿O£¿LU %J - %D 2018 %X In this study, the group theraphy process of individuals who had intense theraphy and ones with organization of different personalities (narcisissm, borderline, schizoid, multiple personality disorder) whose personal therapies continue and evaluation of observations have been approached within integration in psychotheraphy. In the study, it was aimed to introduce the effect of an individual on group theraphy, the symphony that is created by different people, curing while recovering, the existence of multiple personality structure in group sessions, the examination of therapist's existence and nonexistence in group sessions in comparison with a previous research %K B¨¹t¨¹nle£¿me %K Grup Terapisi %K £¿li£¿ki %U http://dergipark.org.tr/bpd/issue/31051/372866