%0 Journal Article %T Prediction and soothsaying in pre-islamic age of ignorance in the Arabs %A Mehmet B£¿l¨¹kba£¿£¿ %J - %D 2018 %X The prophecy that holds an important place in the social life of ancient societies has played an important role in determining the life style of the Jahiliyyah period. During the period of Jahiliyyah, due to the cleansing of soothsayer¡¯s creation and temperament the Arabs thought that soothsayer could make predictions about the future. Throughout the Jahiliyyah period, people consulted the oracles to find solutions to their daily and future problems and believed that they could overcome difficulties. The soothsayer¡¯s were respected in Jahiliyyah period and the soothsayer¡¯s were appointed an arbitrators to solve the problems. When two people, were plaintiffs from each other, accepted the soothsayer as an arbitrator, and the soothsayer attempted to settle the problems of two people by pulling the arrows. When the oracles did this task, they received a tip called hulvan. However, since the Arabs gave great importance to prophecy, they believed that the soothsayer¡¯s were capable of all things. They saw the oracles as consultants, dream interpreters, and if they had a problematic job, consulted them and made decisions to resolve their disputes. During the period of Jahiliyyah they treated their patients to the soothsayers and they interpret their dreams, and learn about the past and future knowledge of the unseen from the soothsayers. In this regard, soothsayer, prediction and type of predictions in pre-islamic age of ignorance in the Arabs was discussed and also it was given information and comprehension of prediction in the Arabs during the period in pre-islamic age of ignorance. Also it was emphasized about the prophecy beliefs of Arabs before Islam. However, the prophecy beliefs of Arabs is also mentioned. In this context, it has been tried to give general information about the principles of the prophecy and history of soothsaying in pre-islamic age of ignorance %K Kahin %K Kehanet %K Kehanet anlay£¿£¿£¿ %K Kehanet t¨¹rleri %K Kahinli£¿in tarihi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/nusha/issue/41856/471924