%0 Journal Article %T The Use of Technological Devices in Pre-School Children and Parents %A Erhan Yengil %A P£¿nar D£¿ner G¨¹ner %J - %D 2019 %X Aim:In this study, it was aimed to determine the frequency of using technological devices in pre-school children and their parents. Material and Methods:The study was a cross-sectional type and we conducted a questionnaire study on the use of technological devices of the child, one of the parents and one of the parents of preschool children (3-6 years) going to Mustafa Kemal University Day Care Center in 2017-2018 academic year. After the survey, it was aimed to inform the parents about the harmful effects of the child on physical and mental health. Results:A parent of 42 of 53 children who went to nursery and day care home answered the questionnaire. Of the respondents, 34 (%81) were mother and 8 (%19) were father. It was seen that 11 (%26.2) children between the ages of 1-2 started using technological devices, 17 (%40.5) between the ages of 2-3, 10 (%23.8) are between the ages of 3-4, 4 (%9.5) after the age of 4. 24 (%57.1) of the children used technological devices for 0-1 hour,14 (%33.3) for 1-2 hours and 4 (%9.5) for 2-3 hours.24 (%57.1) of the mothers used technological devices for 0-1 hour, 12 (%28.5) for 1-2 hours, 5 (%11.9) for 2-3 hours, 1 (%2.4) for more than 3 hours. 17 (%40.4) of the fathers used technological devices for 0-1 hour, 14 (%33.3) for 1-2 hours, 10 (%23.8) for 2-3 hours, 1 (%2.4) for more than 3 hours. There was no relationship between technological device usage time and gender of the child, financial status of the family, education level, number of children. There was no significant difference between the parent's technological device use time and the child's use of technological devices (p = 0.31). Conclusion:This study shows that the use of technological devices is widespread in preschool children and their parents. Frequent use of technological devices by children without parental supervision causes adverse effects such as walking and talking late. Frequent use of technology by parents and children reduces the amount of time they spend and the activity they are doing. Our work will be important for parental awareness of the harmful effects of the use of technological devices and the demonstration of parental attitudes and behaviors of children during the use of technological devices by children and will guide them to further comprehensive work %K Respiratuvar sinsityal vir¨¹s %K h£¿zl£¿ antijen testi %K alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu %U http://dergipark.org.tr/mkutfd/issue/44115/496531