%0 Journal Article %T THE EFFECTS OF USING POPULAR MEDIA SOURCES IN BIOLOGY TEACHING ON STUDENTS¡¯ ATTITUDES TOWARDS BIOLOGY %A Mustafa YEL %A Zeynep YILMAZ %J - %D 2018 %X This study examined the influence of popular media sources, which can be used as an alternative tool in teaching, on biology teaching. Experimental research design with pretest-posttest control group was used in the study. One of the research groups was taught by using popular media sources while in the other group the traditional teaching was carried out. Two groups from the 10th grade students of Af£¿in Girls' Anatolian Imam-Hatip School in the city of Kahramanmara£¿ participated in the research study. To measure the impact of using popular media sources on student¡¯ attitudes, a 36-item attitude test was used as a pre- and post-test. The study concluded that the use of popular media resources in biology teaching is more effective in developing effective learning than the use of traditional teaching %K Biyoloji £¿£¿retimi %K Pop¨¹ler medya kaynaklar£¿ %K Tutum %U http://dergipark.org.tr/etad/issue/37928/385907