%0 Journal Article %T Fast Food Consumption Decisions of High School and Equivalent School Students %A Emine £¿K£¿KAT Tš¹MER %J - %D 2018 %X In today's societies, ready-consumed foods or foods that are prepared in short time is gaining importance due to the factors including; increase in family income, transportation problem in metropolitan cities, increase in number of fast food restaurants and their delivery services, and increase women¡¯s part in business life and spending more time at work. Objective of this study was to determine the fast food consumption decisions of high school and equivalent school students and the factors effecting in making their decisions. Thus, 126 students attending high school or equivalent schools in Erzurum in 2012 were surveyed, and the data were obtained through the Repertory Grid Technique. Four criteria were presented to students including foods price, taste, healthiness and being prepared in short time. It was concluded that, among all criteria presented, students give importance the deliciousness of foods the most, and then healthiness, preparation time, and price of them, respectively %K £¿£¿renci %K Fast Food %K tš¹ketim %K Repertuar £¿izelgesi tekni£¿i %K Tš¹rkiye %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ksudobil/issue/31775/348267