%0 Journal Article %T Hanafi¡¯s Perspective on Bukhar£¿¡¯s Kitab¨¹¡¯l-Iman -Bedr¨¹dd£¿n el-Ayn£¿¡¯s Case- %A Fatih Mehmet Y£¿lmaz %J - %D 2018 %X The issues about faith have been matters of dispute among belief and belief sects from the early period of Islam. The dimension of the relations between faith and practice, and major sin¨Cfaith which came up first-time with the consideration of Kharijites, was expanded by the contribution of other sects to the debate on them. In this regard, the classification phase to Hadith books consisted in the sections on faith and various assessments on it raised. One of the approaches is the Hanef£¿-Mat¨¹r£¿d£¿ School. The considerations of the school on faith have been seen remarkable and been evaluated on several county. In this paper, Hanefi Al-¡¯Ayni¡¯s, who is one of the most important scholars of Hanef£¿/Mat¨¹r£¿d£¿ school, Turkish Muhaddith, Umdat al-Qari will be examined with regard to the faith section of Bukhar£¿¡¯s al-Camiu¡¯s-Sah£¿h and accordingly Hanef£¿/Mat¨¹r£¿d£¿ approach to the subject will be scrutinized %K £¿man %K Eb£¿ Han£¿fe %K Buhar£¿ %K Ayn£¿ %K Mat¨¹r£¿d£¿ %K Umdet¨¹¡¯l-Kar£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/marife/issue/41897/434654