%0 Journal Article %T Hydro-chemical and isotopic investigation of the £¿spendere mineral and thermal water springs, Malatya, Turkey %A Murat CELIKER %J - %D 2019 %X The objective of this study is to determine the source, chemical characteristics and isotopic components of the £¿spendere mineral and thermal waters, Malatya, Turkey. There are many mineral and thermal water springs in the area with fl ow rates ranging between 0.01 ¨C 0.4 l/s. Geochemical and isotope chemistry studies were carried out at three different thermal springs in the region as well as three different cold water springs during May-October 2011. The temperature of mineral and thermal waters were measured as between 21.1¡ãC ¨C 23.6¡ãC in May 2011 and as 20.8¡ãC in October 2011. The region was determined as a low temperature geothermal area and the reason for this is thought to be cold water mixing. The pH values of mineral and thermal spring waters were measured to be between 6.19 ¨C6.69, EC values were measured to be between 1420 ¦ÌS/cm and 2720 ¦ÌS/cm, pH values of shallow and deep wells ranged between 6.04 and 7.82, whereas EC values were measured approximately between 275 ¦ÌS/cm and 3300 ¦ÌS/cm. The MgHCO3 water type dominates the chemistry of mineral and thermal water in study area. The results of 18O and 2H isotope analysis yield that the springs of mineral and thermal waters as well as cold waters are fed by meteoric rains. It was determined that the £¿spendere mineral and thermal waters have low tritium (3H), low Cl and high EC values. Reservoir rock temperatures have been estimated to be between 95 -132¡ãC as a result of the quartz geo-thermometer calculations %K £¿evresel izotoplar %K £¿spendere %K mineralli ve termal sular %K jeokimya %U http://dergipark.org.tr/bulletinofmre/issue/36480/494681