%0 Journal Article %T DETERMINATION OF ATTITUDES OF USING SPORTS INTERNET %J - %D 2018 %X In this study, it was aimed to determine the attitudes of athletes towards internet usage and to evaluate these attitudes in terms of different branches. A total of 213 participants (153 (71.8%) men and 60 (28.2%) women) who were interested in taekwondo, tennis, swimming and soccer in the province of Sakarya in 2015-2016, were chosen by the sampling method by using the descriptive scanning model. In addition to demographic questions "Internet Attitude Scale" developed by Tav£¿anc£¿l and Keser (2001) were applied to participants in order to determine their attitude towards the internet. The responses are described using descriptive statistical methods such as percent, frequency, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. As a result; varied by sport branches, participants declared that internet increses communication quality, internet is a superior information source and they are pleased to reach the sources of that they need. In addition, it has been proposed as a result of the findings obtained that the quality of the sports content with news content is better and the scientific and educational sites contain useful and satisfactory informatio %K £¿nternet Kullan£¿m£¿ %K Tutum %K Sporcu %U http://dergipark.org.tr/spormetre/issue/41273/498620