%0 Journal Article %T THE PLACE OF THE SANAI¡¯S ODE WITH THE ¡°KEREM¡± REDIF IN TRADITION %A Neslihan Polat %J - %D 2018 %X One of the interpreters, who translated the Persian poem of Mulla Jami named ¡°£¿evahid¨¹¡¯n-n¨¹b¨¹vve li-takviyeti ehli¡¯l-f¨¹t¨¹vve¡±, is the 16th century poet Sanai. Even though it was stated by the collection of biographies that the poet has Collected Poems and another poetry book named ¡®Ravzat¨¹¡¯l-ebrar¡¯, this book has not been found yet. According to the available information, miracles of Prophet Mohammed and tales of ahlul bayt and the companions of Prophet Mohammed are narrated in the said translation, which is the only book of Sanai that has reached the present day; and this book was written for being presented to Suleiman the Magnificent. Despite the fact that this book of Sanai is more of a prosaic text, it also includes some Arabic and Persian poems. There are some poetic parts in this translation that was compiled by the interpreter. The poem with ¡°kerem¡± redif, which is one of those poetic parts, is examined in this study, and the place of the poem within the other odes with ¡°kerem¡± redif was considered, most particularly its common points with the poems of Necat£¿ Bey and Hayal£¿ Bey containing same redifs. The identified odes with ¡°kerem¡± redif were written with the purposes of appealing for mercy or the expectance of gift, and they were presented to a statesman. Having been written in tevh£¿d type, this poem is differentiated from other samples in terms of its writing purpose %K Molla Cam£¿ %K Senay£¿ %K £¿evahid¨¹¡¯n-n¨¹b¨¹vve %K kerem kasidesi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/inture/issue/45418/508119