%0 Journal Article %T Providing Force Control of Robot Hand with Fuzzy Logic Based Decision Support System %A £¿a£¿lar Conker %J - %D 2019 %X In recent years, It is observed that the studies on robots have increased tremendously by the developing technology. In robotic systems, robotic hand topic is one of the most popular one with its uses in various application areas. When literature studies analyzed, it has been detected that the biggest problem which is encountered in robot hand applications is to control the gripping force of the objects. Therefore the force feedback problem must be solved so that the robot hand can perform the grasping operation without damaging of the objects. In this study, fuzzy logic which is one of the artificial intelligence techniques has been proposed for the solution of the problem of force control. In proposed method, the robot hand determines the grip force by the direction of the signal sent by the user. The force applied to the objects is measured by the sensors in the palm of the system and in the interior of the fingers. And this sensor measurements are used as force feedback. The measured sensor data and the user signal are controlled by a fuzzy logic control system( d ecision support system) to ensure that the object is grasped in a stable manner by the control system. The control structure which is devoloped, applied in the system that created and it is shown with the study that the user is able to grasp sensitively and decisively by the direction of the command sent by the user %K Bulan£¿k mant£¿k %K Karar destek sistemi %K Robot el %K Ak£¿ll£¿ sistem %K Robotik sistemler %U http://dergipark.org.tr/deumffmd/issue/44128/473980