%0 Journal Article %T Comparing Single-Building and In-Campus Hospitals %A £żakir Sarp PINAR %J - %D 2018 %X The aim of this study is comparing single building, and in-campus settlements of the same university hospital to determine the factors that affect patient preference and satisfaction. A total of 100 patients were randomly selected from the two settlements of the same university hospital. The first hospital is a single building hospital placed in a central location in the city, and the other is a campus hospital that formed of different healthcare facilities, which has wide free spaces, gardens, and walkways. The questionnaires were analyzed together without grouping according to the settlement, because many patients used both of the settlements. All of the patients (100%) declared that they always that they will have a problem at hospitals. 36% percent said that they prefer to go to campus, 24% said that they prefer single building hospital, and 40% said that they go to one that is closer to them %K £żevre Dostu Hastane %K Kampus Hastanesi %K Tek Bina Hastane %K Hasta memnuniyeti %U http://dergipark.org.tr/econder/issue/36720/417152