%0 Journal Article %T Middle East in Oil Clamp: The Case of Libyan Civil War %A Arzu AL %A Nur ASLAN %J - %D 2018 %X This reserach seeks to explain the cauases of the 2011 internationalised Libyan £¿ivil war and the collapse of the Qadhafi regime. But its primary purpose is to evaluate the usefulness of two neglected sets of theory, namely rentier state theory and resource curse theory, in the explanation of £¿ivil war and international intervention. Rentier state theory holds that control and distribution of natural resources revenues is crucial for state power, but that rentier states are fragile and inflexible in the long run, particularly in the face of intenational economic changes. Resource curse theory holds that resource-rich states can be fatally undermined by the very resource wealth found in a state, as it generates internal (and external) competition for its control. Having elaborated and criticized these two theories, they are applied to the case of Libya, one of the oil wealthiest state in the world. Can the collapse of one of the longest enduring regimes in the world- the Qadhafi regime from 1969- be explained by resource curse theory? Why and how did Qadhafi¡¯s rentier state collapse? These questions are addressed through testing the internal and external dimensions that shapes the experience of the Libyan state. My text was checked by me as Econder's format (template) £¿ablon' and Mizanpaj' %K Rantar Devlet %K Petrol Laneti %K Sivil Sava£¿ %K Libya %U http://dergipark.org.tr/econder/issue/36720/415371