%0 Journal Article %T Measurement Techniques for Dental Mobility and Implant Stability %A Fariz Salimov %J - %D 2019 %X Mobility in natural teeth and primer stability in implants are parameters evaluated by similar methods. Until today, mobility of natural teeth has been classified in different ways by many researchers. With the development of technology, these scales maintain their reliability but digital measurement devices such as Periotest have taken their place in the field. Similar to natural teeth, implant stability can be assessed objectively using a number of technological methods, such as periotest or radiofrequency analysis along with conventional scales, in assessing implant stability. This literature review aims to examine the techniques for measuring the stability and mobility of implants and teeth and to compare their reliability %K Di£¿ Mobilitesi %K £¿mplant Stabilitesi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/aktd/issue/44965/409038