%0 Journal Article %T Efficacy of Aripiprazole, Clomipramine, and Buspirone in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Augmentation Therapy: A Retrospective Study %A Mehmet Hamdi £¿r¨¹m %J - %D 2019 %X Aim: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic disorder that can lead to disability. There are some difficulties in treatment, and a small percentage of patients become asymptomatic with known treatment methods. Among the treatment options of patients with OCD, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are primarily involved. However, most of the time, SSRI drugs alone are not sufficient in the treatment of OCD, it is preferred to strengthen the current treatment or to add a different antidepressant drug. In this study, we aimed to investigate the efficacy of aripiprazole, buspirone and clomipramine in patients with OCD who were unable to respond adequately to SSRI drug therapy. Method: In our study, the files of the patients who were followed with the diagnosis of OCD and who were added aripiprazole, clomipramine and buspirone drugs to their treatment because of insufficient response to SSRIs were examined retrospectively. It was determined that the current treatment of patients who received partial response from SSRI treatment was augmened with aripiprazole (n: 96), buspirone (n: 38) and clomipramine (n: 76) was added. Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Evaluation Scale (YBOCS), Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI) and Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAS) scores were used to evaluate the patients in the follow-up. Results: The efficacy of aripiprazole, clomipramine and buspirone medications given to patients with OCD was statistically significant (p <0.001). Aripiprazole was found to be slightly more effective than clomipramine and buspirone. When the pre- and post-treatment values of aripiprazole were evaluated, it was observed that the mean score of CGI declined from 5.71 ¡À 0.58 to 2.98 ¡À 0.75, YBOCS scores declined from 31.96 ¡À 2.43 to 11.77 ¡À 4.06 and HAS score declined from 36.58 ¡À 5.02 to 12.81 ¡À 4.49. Conclusion: In our retrospective study, aripiprazole, clomipramine and buspirone were found to be effective in the treatment of OCD. As far as we know, our study is the first study to compare the results of aripiprazole, clomipramine and buspirone in addition to the treatment of SSRI. Therefore, in our study drug combinations with different mechanism of action have been tried. In the literature, the method of augmentation of buspirone in OCD or SSRI is limited in a limited number of studies. Therefore, a study with a large group of patients treated with buspirone increases the importance of our study %K Aripiprazol %K klomipramin %K buspiron %K obsesif-kompulsif bozukluk %K ekleme %U http://dergipark.org.tr/adiyamansaglik/issue/43834/477617