%0 Journal Article %T Acute young ischemic stroke associated with herbal drug used to improve sexual performance %A Ayd£¿n Talip Y£¿ldo£¿an %A Fettah Eren %A G£¿zde £¿ng¨¹n %A Recep Ayg¨¹l %J - %D 2019 %X Many people can easily access the drugs called herbal and food supplement without recommended by any doctor. Demand of these drugs is increasing by patients due to frequent advertising on television, internet and newspapers. However, uncontrolled and no prescription drugs can cause many diseases. A thirty four-year-old male patient presented with acute speech disorder, left hemiparesis and agitation. In his neurological examination; confusion and cooperative limitation were detected. Left hemiparesis (4/5) and positive left Babinski sign was detected. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed diffuse restriction like acute ischemia. After the patient's cooperation improved, the background was again questioned. It was learned that he was taking herbal drug for improve sexual performance for 1 week. This drug contains arginine, carnitine, boswellia serrata, caffeine, tribulus terrestris, epimedium, beta glucan, niacin, zinc, CoQ10, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and selenium. All tests were completed for young ischemic stroke and no other risk was detected. It was thought that this disease may depend on herbal drug. There are many side effects associated with many contentsts of herbal or food supplement drugs. Patients and society should be informed about these drugs. Scientific research on these drugs should be increased and legal regulations should be made %K Bitkisel ila£¿ %K cinsel i£¿lev bozuklu£¿u %K gen£¿ iskemik inme %U http://dergipark.org.tr/patd/issue/42641/443927