%0 Journal Article %T Tahir Pasha and His Works in Mudanya %A M. Fatih M¨¹derriso£¿lu %J - %D 2018 %X Since its establishment, Mudanya has maintained its position as the gateway and pier of Bursa to the sea and has maintained its importance in every period with its commercial and cultural environment apart from its geographic and topographic structure. Some ruins of the ancient city of Myrleia/ Apamea of the Ancient Age, where Mudanya came to the stage of history as a colonial settlement, are still visible. Mudanya, densely populated by the Greeks in the Byzantine period, conquered by Ottomans in 1321. The city, which was determined as ¡°kaza¡± center in Bursa H¨¹davendigar Province in administrative terms during the Ottoman period, was constructed with religious, commercial and civilian buildings by different persons. In this context, Tahir Pasha, known for his works in Bursa and especially in Mudanya, had an effective influence, with his political and religious aspects, on Ottoman palace and Bursa provincial council. He died in 1870 in £¿stanbul while he was ¡°surre emir¡± besides holding the rank of pasha. Pasha¡¯s 1286 H/1869 CE dated waqf certificate charter is noteworthy that it contains some information about both Mudanya and his own lineage. This study mainly touches upon Tahir Pasha¡¯s mansion in Mudanya, now used as a museum, and the Turkish bath named after him that are in good condition as a result of repair works %K Osmanl£¿ %K Tahir Pa£¿a %K Bursa %K Mudanya %K Tahir Pa£¿a M¨¹ze Evi %K Tahir Pa£¿a Hamam£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/vakiflar/issue/42122/506663