%0 Journal Article %T ETIBANK¡¯S CHROMIUM MINING IN ECONOMY POLITICS OF SINGLE PARTY YEARS %A £¿zkan DEM£¿R %J - %D 2018 %X With the declaration of the Republic, policy changes were made not only in the political field but also in the economic field in the New Turkish State. Since the privileges granted to foreigners during the Ottoman Empire were the applications that were contrary to economic independence, the Republic governments first attempted to create a national economy. In the beginning, despite the steps to support private enterprises, the desired level of investment was not made, policy changes were made in the economy. In this respect, a concept called Devlet£¿ilik emerged in Turkey in the 1930s. During this period, the state has taken important steps in line with the efforts of independence in the economy by purchasing the privileges of foreigners. In the mining sector, which is an important part of the economy, many mining enterprises have been nationalized by purchasing concessions. Founded in 1935, Etibank has operated to reveal Turkey's underground and above ground wealth. In the name of the state, the bank has given priority to areas that make material profit, especially coal, copper and chromium. In Turkey, which is famous for its world-wide chrome, the chromium mine in Elaz£¿£¿ Guleman area was opened to operation by Etibank in 1936. More than 60% of the country's chromium requirement is obtained from Guleman chromium as a result of investments made. The contribution of Etibank mining enterprises not only resulted in the production of minerals but also in social and economic terms. In this study, economic policies in the early republican period and the chromium mining of Etibank were investigated %K Etibank %K Guleman %K Ekonomi %K Sanayi %K Krom %K Guleman %U http://dergipark.org.tr/asya/issue/42069/486064