%0 Journal Article %T THE EFFECT OF TURKISH MUSIC IN THE OTTOMAN PERIOD ON THE WORKS OF WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART %A Tutu AYDINO£¿LU %J - %D 2018 %X Throughout the centuries, the Ottoman Empire and European states exchanged ideas on politics, policy and many other subjects as well as on art. In the development process of the Ottoman art, it is known that while the West are affected especially by the rhythm of Ottoman music ,affinity for Western show itself inOttoman art ,as well. Mozart, known as the classics of Vienna, has composed many important works since his childhood, is a composer who is greatly innfluenced by Ottoman period Turkish music. Today Turkish Anthem isknown to the world can be seen as an example of Mozart's interest in Ottoman music. The aim of this research is to determine the traces of the Ottoman which V. A. Mozart used in his music, and to reveal how much and what areas he was affected. For this purpose, Mozart's works were examined in terms of content and musical aspects in order to see the effects of East in the works of Mozart. This research is a descriptive study and the statusis detected. Document analysis method which is one of the qualitative research techniques was used in the research and the sources related to the topic were scanned. As a result of the literature review and analysis of works, Ottoman music effects were determined in Mozart's five works.Mozart, which uses similar rhythms as the janissary band rhythms in the Abduction from Seraglio opera reached the peak in Turkish trace in his Piona Sonata No.11 which is known as Alaturca.In Zaide opera, although he used similar rhythms as janissary band, it can be said that he took the Ottoman harem as a subject and Mozart followed the Ottoman period Turkish music and the events in the Ottoman palaces closely %K Osmanl£¿ D£¿nemi T¨¹rk M¨¹zi£¿i %K Mozart %K M¨¹zik %K Do£¿u-Bat£¿ £¿zleri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/asya/issue/39487/462858