%0 Journal Article %T Akhism and Communication: A Qualitative Study %A Mehmet KART %A Nihat £¿ALI£¿KAN %J - %D 2019 %X Human beings have benefited from a variety of ways and methods with the impulse to express themselves for thousands of years. These ways and methods have found meaning through communication channels. Communication is a process involving people¡¯s understanding of each other by sharing their feelings, thoughts and knowledge. In 21st century there is a process of social transformation through various developments and innovations emerged in the field of science and technology. This transformation and renewal process brings about an understanding of the increasing complexity of communication among individuals. Therefore, the problems that individuals experience naturally affect societies as well. Within the scope of the study conducted by using the "document analysis" a technique of qualitative research methods: The communication concept reflected by the Ahi system has been demonstrated in terms of its various characteristics. At the end of the examinations: Akhism performs more traditional understanding of communication by accepting older people as a master since it put their experience and knowledge of life in the center to provide transferring social memory. It can be stated that the inter-organizational communication with each other is remarkable both at their works and in Zawiyah. It involves all of the social life of the individuals and convey the rules that exist in that society through its own methods. It provides the integration of the Akhism, which is the product of a unifying and solidarity culture, with the right communication. In addition, it is known that internet technologies have an effect that prevents and disqualifies individuals from face to face communication. In Akhism, there is the process of socialization and mutual communication such as Yaren, Helva, Oda, Selaml£¿k, K£¿£¿ and Barana conversations. These determinations have been comparatively discussed in the research. In accordance with these determinations, it is given suggestions about the current communication activities %K Ahilik %K £¿leti£¿im %K teknolojik geli£¿meler %K ileti£¿im tš¹rleri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/aeusbed/issue/46626/546586