%0 Journal Article %T Position of Public Relations in Turkish Public Administration: Understanding, Practice and Comparison %A Serdar Vural UYGUN %J - %D 2018 %X Public Relations undertake the task of establishing a communication bridge between the rulers and the ruled within the frame of changing state understanding and structure. Thanks to public relations practices, management can meet citizens' expectations and demands, as well as inform them about public services and practices. As a result of the understanding of the responsible state, public institutions have to carry out their activities in a meaningful and citizen-friendly manner in an effective and productive manner. Again, within the framework of this understanding, the messages that institutions want to convey can be conveyed to the citizen by being interpreted in a correct, transparent and consistent manner. Thanks to the correct understanding of the expectations and the effective fulfillment of the expectations, a corporate governance structure can be created in which the services it carries are perceived and supported by the citizens %K Kamu Y£¿netimi %K Halkla £¿li£¿kiler %K Y£¿neti£¿im %U http://dergipark.org.tr/mamusbbd/issue/42087/435171