%0 Journal Article %T THE DELIVERANCE OF ANATOLIAN RAILWAY LINE TO ANKARA AND ITS INAUGURATION %A Hashim TOTONJI %A £¿zlem G¨¹LEN£¿ £¿£¿D£¿ %J - %D 2019 %X In the last period of the Ottoman Empire, serious investments has been made to improve the transportation and communication infrastructure. One of the most important investments is the Anatolian Railway Project. The purpose of the railway is to connect many provinces of the empire with Istanbul. One of the most important stages of the railway is its extension to Ankara. Railway laying in Izmir and its surroundings, which was initially contracted to the British, was later extended from Istanbul to Central Anatolia. The Istanbul-Ankara railway, which was awarded to the Germans, was successfully implemented despite many obstacles. The purpose of this study is to rediscover the process of delivering the Anatolian railway line to Ankara through the newspapers of Ankara Vilayet Newspaper, Saadet Newspaper, Tarik Newspaper, Terc¨¹man-£¿ Hakikat Newspaper and Servet-i F¨¹nun. The details discovered in the newspapers of the time which closely following the project, which has political, economic and social consequences, reveal that serious work has been done even before the project is implemented %K Osmanl£¿ £¿mparatorlu£¿u %K Anadolu Demiryolu %K £¿zmit %K Ankara %K Abidin Pa£¿a %U http://dergipark.org.tr/asead/issue/44866/540226