%0 Journal Article %T Institution of Imamate in The Turkish Army and Spiritual Role in The Battles of £¿anakkale %J - %D 2018 %X This event which goes down in both Turk and world history as the Battles of £¿anakkale and is almost uniquely in the history is special and essential part of the World War I that began at July 28,1914 and ended at the late October, 1918. Ottoman Empire, also, began military preparation with the announcement of mobilization (August 2, 1914) and, from this reason, constitued mufti and imams to the regiments. This style began in Guild of Janissaries as guild imam and continued in allarmies that established later on. The duty of this people has been continued as a matter of hortativeinculcation into soldiers both at before and after from attacks in addition to performing religious needs of soldiers at the front. In the wars of £¿anakkale and Independence, the imam, which had greatutility in the Turkish army, was abolished by the new regulations made during the years of the Republic. The true religious beliefs of the religious beliefs that have been officially taken up by superstition and superstitious belief in the religious education, which is a natural necessity in the Turkish army, which is deprived of this state, have decreased considerably. Outsourced terrorist organizations evaluating this opportunity have produced a number of superstitions and superstition ideologies in the Turkish army and have shown their native land as a religious or ideological target. It is believed that there habilitation institution should function officially in order to prevent such terrorist activities in the Turkish army %K £¿anakkale Sava£¿£¿ %K Orduda £¿maml£¿k %K Ordunun Maneviyat£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/mamusbbd/issue/38126/431092