%0 Journal Article %T Skill Approach To Teacher Education %A Firdevs G¨¹ne£¿ %J - %D 2018 %X £¿£¿£¿£¿£¿£¿£¿ Education is also the first word that comes to mind is the teacher. Qualified rehabilitation of teachers who take an active role in all aspects of the education system is required. Various training approaches are applied during the teacher training process. These vary according to the countries and the turnover. The old teacher training approach is the traditional approach. This is the behaviorist, cognitive and constructive approach. Every approach is different from teacher training concept, aim and practice. Teacher who knows everything about traditional approach, example teacher in behaviorist approach, expert teacher in cognitive approach and teacher who learns in constructivist approach are the forefront. In recent years, international organizations such as the European Union, the United Nations, OCDE, UNESCO have focused on the 2030 vision and skills to train teachers. A variety of knowledge, skills, values £¿£¿and attitudes are taught to prepare students for the future. Studies are being conducted on how educational institutions can effectively make them available. Thus, the infrastructure for the transition from the information society to the skills society is established in our world. %K £¿£¿retmen yeti£¿tirme %K yakla£¿£¿m %U http://dergipark.org.tr/sead/issue/38624/441487