%0 Journal Article %T EXAMINING BASKETBALL AND SOCCER REFEREESĄŻ LEVELS OF ZEST FOR WORK IN TERMS OF CERTAIN DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES %J - %D 2018 %X The aim of this study is to examine the referees' levels of zest for work in terms of certain demographic variables. Convenience sampling method was used in the study and the sample consisted of a group of 325 referees who actively served during the 2017-2018 season. 61% (n:200) of the referees were basketball referees and 39% (n:125) were soccer referees. The participant group included 50 (15%) female and 275 (85%) male referees. 14% (n:44) of the participants were candidate referees, 32% (n:107) were provincial referees, and 54% (n:174) were class referees. The mean age of the participants was 25, and the mean refereeing experience of them was 5 years. Demographic information form and "The Zest for Work Scale for Referees" (ZWSR) developed by KaraŁżam and Pulur (2017) were used as data collection tools. The analysis of the data was conducted using SPSS 21 and AMOS programs. The Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, t-test in binary comparisons and one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) in multiple comparisons were used to determine the correlations between the variables. As a result of the analyzes, basketball and soccer referees were found to have a significant difference in favor male referees according to the variable of gender and in favor of those who are satisfied with their income according to the variable of satisfaction with the income. It was found that there was a positive significant relationship between the participants' levels of zest for work and the number of matches refereed. It was observed that basketball and soccer referees' levels of zest for work did not show any significant difference according to the branch, classification and educational background. There was no significant relationship between the participants' levels of zest for work and the variables of age and refereeing experience %K Basketbol Hakemi %K Futbol Hakemi %K mesleki haz %K hakem %U http://dergipark.org.tr/spormetre/issue/40788/457012