%0 Journal Article %T The Economic Structure of International Natural Gas Market and Applied Policies %A H¨¹seyin Naci Bayra£¿ %J - %D 2018 %X The reserve structure, production, diversity and availability of energy resources are the elements that determine the energy policies of countries. Natural gas has an important place in the energy balance because it is a reliable source in the diversification of energy supply systems, the price adjustment is easy and environmentally clean. The concentration of major natural gas reserves and production areas in certain regions such as Central Asia-Caspian and Middle East in the world has caused natural gas to become an economic and political instrument. Countries with natural gas reserves can use these positions as a superiority and a means of political bargaining over the non-residents. In this study, the characteristics of the international natural gas market and economic structure of the Middle East, the determination of gas management in Central Asia and the Caucasus, located in the Russian Federation between influential countries, the US, EU, China, are being investigated regional and global effects of the policies pursued by Iran and Turkey %K Do£¿algaz %K Do£¿algaz Piyasas£¿ %K Enerji Jeopoliti£¿i %K Uluslararas£¿ Do£¿algaz Politikalar£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/oguiibf/issue/41673/405932