%0 Journal Article %T THE QUIDDITY AND EXISTENCE OF THE UNIVERSALS IN AL-FARABI: AN INTRODUCTORY ESSAY %A M. Fatih Demirci %J - %D 2019 %X In this article it was discussed that Al-Farabi¡¯s ideas about the universals and his thoughts about the existence of the universals. According to the Second Teacher, the universals signifies the meaning that have same and a single recognition which is perceived in two or more material entities. The universals are divided into natural and volitional universals. Natural universals include two types such as qualifications and quantities. Volitional universals contain the values that human beings and societies possess. Al-Farabi accepts that the natural universals composed of qualities and quantities exist together as one by number with the material entities outside of the human mind. But he rejects to the thesis that they are separate from the sensible entities. Volitional universals are existed not only by the divine will but also by the will of human beings and societies. It is used the method of description in this article %K Farab£¿ %K K¨¹ll£¿ler Meselesi %K Nitelikler %K Nicelikler %K De£¿erler %U http://dergipark.org.tr/abuifd/issue/45593/553068