%0 Journal Article %T Hidir b. Abd al-Rahman al-AzdŁż and IntroductŁżon and EvaluatŁżon Of His Interpretation al-Tibyan fi Tafseer al-QurĄŻan %A Esat ŁżZCAN %A Hidayet AYDAR %J - %D 2018 %X QurĄŻanic Interpretation is an attempt to explain and interpret the kalam (speech) of Allah. The activities on Interpretation began in the time of the Prophet, then the sahaba (companions of the Prophet), the tabiin (those who were the students of the sahaba) continued these activities, resulting in a great number of works on QurĄŻanic Interpretation. While some of these works include only a part of QurĄŻan, some deal with all the QurĄŻan. Similarly, some of the works are short and condense; on the other hand, some are long and detailed. Interpretation can done either through the narrations transmitted from the Prophet, sahaba and tabiin, or through Israiliyyat (narratives originating from Jewish and Christian traditions), or through information obtained from a variety of science in Islamic tradition. One who used these two approaches to pen a QurĄŻanic Interpretation is Hidir b. Abd al-Rahman al-Azdi, who died in 1301 in Dimashq. Al-Azdi deals with the QurĄŻan from the beginning to the end in his Interpretation, entitled as al-Tibyan fi tafsir al- QurĄŻan. He, however, interprets only the words and verses which, to him, need to be explained. Therefore, his Interpretation is short, but contains sufficient information regarding the verses. In the process of interpretation, he provides a summary of what the previous QurĄŻanic commentators wrote on the related verses %K KurĄŻan %K Rivayet %K Dirayet %K HŁżdŁżr b. Abdirrahman el-EzdŁż %K et- Tibyan fŁż tefsŁżriĄŻl-KurĄŻan %U http://dergipark.org.tr/buifd/issue/42143/508388