%0 Journal Article %T An Analysis of Turkish 2011 and 2015 General Election Results with Respect to Regional Continuity and Permanent Voting %A Hamza Akengin %J - %D 2018 %X One of the issues addressed by political geography is the Electoral Geography. Electoral Geography covers the analysis of the voters¡¯ preferences over time and their permanent voting behaviors. In cases where no changes in voting behaviours are observed in an electoral district after a long period of assessment, this situation indicates permanent voting behaviors. Long term assessment of election results reveal that the candidates, propaganda, the election issues and the like influence voters¡¯ preferences. In this respect, it would be beneficial to evaluate the continuity and permanence of voters¡¯ preferences based on the general elections in 2011 and the two general elections in 2015 in order to determine the conditions that affect them. This study aims to analyze the continuity and permanence of voters¡¯ preferences based on the results of the general elections in 2011 and the two general elections, one of which is a repeat election, in 2015. The study is based on literature review, document analysis and field observation, and analyzes tables formed according to the data obtained from the definitive election results and maps based on these tables in order to determine the continuity and permanence of voters¡¯ preferences %K Siyasi Co£¿rafya %K Se£¿im Co£¿rafyas£¿ %K Se£¿men %K S¨¹reklilik %K Kal£¿c£¿ Oy Kullanma %U http://dergipark.org.tr/inture/issue/39827/472106