%0 Journal Article %T Analysis of Mass Industry and Mass Culture Concepts Through the Thought of Frankfurt School %A Mščmtaz Levent AKKOL %J - %D 2019 %X In this article, Adorno and Horkheimer's concepts of mass culture and culture industry are discussed. Understanding these concepts will also make an important contribution to the understanding of hegemonic processes that mislead the masses in the benefits of the ideology. These concepts are handled with critical theory, which is the basic approach of the Frankfurt School; infrastructure -base- and superstructure relationship is examined on the basis of the difference in the approach. The Frankfurt school's approach to the intertwining and the fusion of the infrastructure and superstructure beyond a process of determination has made the culture a part of production relations rather than a superstructure institution. After discussing the reasons for using culture concept instead of the mass culture concept, the concept of the culture industry has been interpreted by adding a different perspective through modernist and postmodernist art approaches. Concepts of mass culture and culture industry; Although it belongs to the Frankfurt school, it has also been influential in the formation of other theories of social culture, especially popular culture. Thus; in the light of examinations, discussions and interpretations, it is aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the concepts of mass culture and culture industry which remain important in terms of sociological thought %K Kitle Kščltščršč %K Kščltščr Endščstrisi %K Frankfurt Okulu %K Kščltščrel Hegemonya %K Popščler Kščltščr %U http://dergipark.org.tr/uicd/issue/45692/479057