%0 Journal Article %T Genetic Diseases And Hereditary Defects of Cattle Breeding in Kastamonu %A Naci Tš¹ZEMEN %J - %D 2018 %X In this research, it is aimed to investigate genetic diseases and hereditary defects of cattle raised in Kastamonu region. The study usually includes Kastamonu center and surrounding districts. The study usually includes the central and surrounding districts of Kastamonu. Negotiations were held with Kastamonu breeder cattle association (KSDYB), affiliated enterprises. Information on genetic diseases was reached with interviews made with these enterprises. In addition, interviews were held with non-KSDYB businesses and veterinarians in Kastamonu regarding genetic diseases %K Kastamonu %K genetik hastal£¿k %K kal£¿tsal kusurlar %K s£¿£¿£¿r %U http://dergipark.org.tr/kastamonujes/issue/41743/326608