%0 Journal Article %T Investigation of Character Strengths in 100 Fundamental Literary Works Recommended to Primary and Secondary School Students %A Nazife ¨¹ZBE ATALAY %A Sabire KILI£¿ %A Sare TERZ£¿ £¿LHAN %A ¨¹mre KAYNAK %A £¿erife I£¿IK %J - %D 2019 %X Character strengths, as the positive traits a person owns, celebrates and frequently exercises, generate a crucial area of interest for both researchers and the practitioners in the educational or psychology related fields because of its important effect on psychological health and well being. Regarding to its impact on positive character development in children, this current study aims at investigating the character strengths in 100 fundamental literary works recommended to primary and secondary school students. The study was based on qualitative research and the data gained by document inquiry was analyzed with the use of content analysis. 22 literary works are chosen randomly and distributed to 5 different researchers to analyze them in accordance with the theory of character strengths and virtues developed by Peterson and Seligman as totally 24 character strengths and 6 virtues. The findings are discussed in relation to the relevant literature, aiming at making contributions to the development of literary works improving psychological wellness and character development of children %K £¿lkokul ve ortaokul £¿£¿rencileri %K 100 Temel Eser %K karakter g¨¹£¿leri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/hunefd/issue/47441/598929