%0 Journal Article %T A RESEARCH ON THE APPROACH OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF INSPECTION, SECURITY AND PRIVACY %A Ali £¿zcan %A Feryat Alkan %J - %D 2019 %X Surveillance has functioned throughout history to provide control in almost all communities. Surveillance is as old as the history of mankind, and in this direction it has kept pace with the changes and transformations that society has undergone. Surveillance, which has become widespread with the renewal of surveillance tools, has brought with it the question of security and privacy. The problem of security and privacy of surveillance affects not only new technological tools but also all social activities with the widespread use of information technology in recent years. Is security provided with surveillance technology in this study? Does this surveillance cause privacy violations? Thus, the surveillance awareness was tried to be measured in 3 parts and 44 questions. Atat¨¹rk University, Bayburt University, Bitlis Eren University, G¨¹m¨¹£¿hane University and Karadeniz Technical University were applied to a total of 407 people. Because of inconsistent or incorrect coding, 21 questionnaires were not included in the analysis and 386 questionnaires were analyzed. Attitudes of students to surveillance awareness, surveillance security and privacy have been tried to be understood. According to the survey, most of the students are not aware of the surveillance done. We see that people are able to compromise privacy when it comes to security, and they are willing to be exposed to security concerns. So we can say that your security comes before privacy %K G£¿zetim %K G¨¹venlik %K Mahremiyet %K Bili£¿im Teknolojileri %K Bili£¿im Teknolojileri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/e-gifder/issue/44615/443321